Jocelyn Barton

Standardized tests and scores are now becoming optional in college applications. With this, colleges are becoming more dependable on a student’s personal values and accomplishments. What better way to offer this insight than presenting your interests and offerings to helping your community through community service?

Anne-Marie Fortier, a guidance counselor at Andover High School, explained that community service is extremely valuable to colleges. She stressed the importance of finding a service where you get something in return as well. “You want to be connected to the community service that you’re involved in,” said Fortier. “You want to get value from it.” Finding something that you enjoy doing is just as important as donating your time and effort. 

Mary Testa, also a guidance counselor, said that she volunteered at a hospital when she was in high school. Not knowing if medicine may be a possible future career, community service helped her to explore this interest. “It was really nice helping people and seeing what people did for a living,” said Testa. 

Volunteering offers real-world experience and builds career prospects, which is especially important to students finding themselves. Testa explained, “[Community service] can be something that builds your character and builds your reputation, which is really important when you’re going through life and asking, ‘Who do you want to be?’”

COURTESY PHOTO / Mara Durán-Clark
AHS’s Key Club and the Kiwanis Group participate in the annual George Street Bridge cleanup

Community service also aids in bringing you closer to the needs of your community. Organizations in need of help take to heart the energy you put into making an impact on those in need. “It makes you appreciate what you have and you get to see the difference you can make in a short amount of time with sometimes minimal effort,” said Testa. It can empower you to make a difference even if it is only affecting one person. 

Now, more than ever, organizations are in need of help due to COVID. Whether it be signing up to volunteer at an organized facility or doing kind deeds throughout the day, every act counts. “Any gesture of kindness, giving back, or putting other people’s needs first can really give you that same feeling of helping others,” said Testa. 

Interestingly enough, AHS does not require community service to be completed. Letting students find their own ways of giving back to their community shows an individual’s initiative.  

AHS also directly offers some community service opportunities that are led by students and provide local help to Andover’s community. Clubs such as Key Club, Interact Club, Neuroscience Club, and countless more offer opportunities to support the Andover community through a student lead organization. 

On a much broader scale, the town of Andover prides itself on its Community Services Department, which is composed of the Andover DIVERSE, Elder, Recreation, Veteran, and Youth Services. These divisions are focused on building a better Andover with the benefit of community initiative.

To begin your search for community service opportunities, take a look at some provided sources that would welcome your help below! (Be aware: Some organizations may not be taking volunteers at this time due to COVID.)

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